Monday, 27 November 2017

No story

It's been two weeks since my last update. I had a new post all edited, shined up, and ready to go, but then the patient (who had done something fully deserving to have a story written about him) decided to go and do something even stupider and have himself a postoperative complication.

No, it isn't my complication. It was an orthopaedic surgery with an orthopaedic complication, but regardless he isn't doing well. At all. So out of respect for him, I have decided to postpone his story and possibly even delete it, depending on his outcome.

If you can't tell, I'm not happy about this. Even though it wasn't my surgery and isn't my complication, he's still my patient.

Not happy.

He died. The story will be deleted. God damn it.


  1. Lets hope your patient pulls through doc

  2. Hopefully he will pull through and his story will be an example of why it is always good to not do something deserving of a Doc Bastard story. However, if he decides to go the other way and not pull through, his story will be an example of why it is bad to do something deserving of a Doc Bastard story.

  3. Don't feel bad, Doc -- we know you did everything you could for him. Hopefully, he'll make a full recovery & then you can post his story with all the gnarly details. Hope you & yours had a happy Thanksgiving if they celebrate that were you are.

  4. Sounds like the patient did not chose wisely. Most likely it currently sucks to be him at this time. Never a good time when one's best efforts are not appreciated and totally wasted.

  5. careful. if this respectfulness thing gets out, it could ruin your reputation.

    1. Just wait til John gets hold of the scandal! THE HORROR

    2. I laughed way too hard at the John joke..

  6. Out of curiosity doc, how long on average do you think it takes to write your average length blogpost?

    1. The primary writing takes about an hour or so. Then I proofread, edit, re-edit, delete, start over, edit, and proofread one final time. And then BigBrotherBastard invariably finds a typo requiring one final re-re-re-re-edit.

    2. Wow suprised it only takes that long

    3. and then we find the typo that Big Brother missed.

    4. Why do i feel quoting emperor palpaltine is appopriate here?
      Good...gooood....let the hate of mistakes flow through you

    5. you don't know the power of the dork side.

  7. Sorry to hear that Doc'. Hope things start going the right way soon.

    Just out of interest, have any of your patients ever recognised themselves as being discussed here? I wonder what they would think if they did.


    1. No. I think it's safe to say that I alter details of the patients just enough to keep everyone safe. Males may become females, a bicycle accident may become a car accident, a stabbing may become a shooting, people may age a few years, etc.

    2. Cunning Doc'! Very cunning.

      I'm sorry to see that things didn't turn around for your patient - my condolences also to his family. Losing a loved-one is always awful and it sounds like this was pretty sudden, which only makes it worse for those he leaves.


  8. condolences to the patient's family for their loss.

    and to you for the wasted story.

  9. My condolences to his family for their loss, Maybe another time for the story.

    Now you gotta go and find a story to keep us entertained and educated, preferably with no risk to your hands or other bodily particles.


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Not dead

I'll start this post by answering a few questions that may or may not be burning in your mind: No, I'm not dead.  No, I didn't g...