Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Thank you

When I started this blog back in October, I didn't really think anyone would care enough to read it.  It seems I was wrong - somehow this blog has developed a fairly steady readership.  I'm not sure where all of the readers come from, and I suppose in the end it doesn't really matter.  Because as of today, "Stories from the trauma bay" has 500,000 pageviews.

If someone had told me back in October that in only 9 months I would have half a million pageviews, I would have had a good laugh.  But here we stand today at 500,286.

So to all my readers - a very gracious and heartfelt thanks.  And to all the people who have taken a few minutes of your valuable time to write me an email - questions, comments, stories, thank-yous, fanmail - I sincerely appreciate every single one.  Please keep the feedback coming, and please feel free to share the blog with your family, friends, and coworkers.  I hope we can reach 1,000,000 soon!


  1. I love your blogs. I lived in Florida and checked your page all the time for new blogs. When I moved to Vegas, I told my sister to check you out and she LOVES it. Keep up the great work!

  2. I came across you via fml. I no longer troll fml but your blog sits safetly on my home screen, can't get enough doc.

  3. I agree. I check daily for a new blog post from you. I live in Alaska and I also tell everyone about you.

  4. I'm from Australia :) and check daily for your updates and I absolutely love your blog!! I to am in the health industry and can relate to your blogs, you do an amazing job keep up the great work! I tell everyone I no about your blog especially all the nurses I work with they love it to!

  5. I love that you give a true representation of the stupid ppl out there and what you as a doctor have to put up with and go through in your day-to-day - BRAVO Dr!

    About your curiosity about how you get so many people to look at your blog - heard of the saying, one person visits, who tells two people, who tell two people and so on and so forth... seems to me that THAT's what's happening. Well done doc!

    For some reason my own blog won't show up, only my family one will, if you want to come visit me, it's at: http://practicalnursetorn.blogspot.ca

  6. Alberta, Canada represent!!! I laughed so hard at your fml comments that I eventually wandered over here, and was not disappointed. I was lucky enough to be sick in bed the weekend I did, so I could go back and read all the posts! You rock, don't ever change :D

  7. Hi Doc. I live in the suburbs of Washington DC. I very much enjoy reading about your experiences in the trauma bay. :) As a teacher of young children, I had to learn pretty quickly that when dealing with the public (parents) there is occasionally a disconnect between intelligence and decision-making abilities. :) Thank you for sharing with us and I hope you and your family continue to be blessed.

  8. I am in alberta, canada. I am also regularly in and out of the er here due to some nasty health issues . Me and my fiancé both get a chuckle out of your blog and are glad to know we aren't the only ones who think er docs are daft. Thanks for all the great posts.

  9. I'm from Kalamazoo, Michigan. I found you through fml, not on there much anymore but I find this blog to be entertaining and inspirational at times. Keep up the good work doc!

  10. Illinois from the United States here. Got to admit, I'm enjoying the blog. It's amusing at times and gives me a good glimpse of what those in the Emergency Services have to go through.

  11. I am from Western Australia, Australia and I love your blog! I always tell my family and boyfriend your stories. Such a great read.

  12. Oklahoma here! I look everyday for new posts as well! And all my friends love them too! Keep em comin!!!

  13. I've been reading you since soon after you started. Awesome blog, Doc.

  14. There doesn't seem to have been much representation from this side of the Atlantic so I should add that your following extends out here to the UK too!

    As Tom Lehrer once said of his records, I think knowledge of your blog spreads like syphilis rather then ebola, so I'm sure you'll be making your million page views pretty soon!

  15. Doc, I've been reading your blog for a few months now, and I just had the urge to say thank you to you. I'm 15 and still in high school and I want to tell you that you're a great inspiration to me, and my friends who I've gotten to read the blog. I think you should know that there are hundreds, probably thousands of people who read your blog but haven't been able to comment, but someone as smart as you has probably already figured that out, especially with 500k views. Anyway, enough blabbering, thanks again from Sydney, Australia.

  16. I'm from Texas!! I absolutely love reading your blog and check every chance I get. I found you through FML. I tell everyone about your blog! Keep it up! :)

  17. I found you through FML and I enjoy the comments you post. You never fail to amuse me, Doc. I decided to look at your blog because you are my favourite commenter on there. I absolutely love your blog. :)

  18. Hey Doc, I just found you on FML today, and cannot stop reading! Your hilariously sarcastic writing is enough to keep me giggling and shaking my head over stupid people. :) Thanks so much for doing what you do! You have a new big fan!


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Not dead

I'll start this post by answering a few questions that may or may not be burning in your mind: No, I'm not dead.  No, I didn't g...