Monday, 3 August 2015

Weekly Troll Update


I generally don't feed trolls, nor do I give them much thought.  I liken them to pocket lint - you mostly don't even notice it's there, but when you do it's very mildly annoying (if at all) but nearly impossible to get rid of permanently.  Ever since I altered the commenting policy here about a month ago I have been ignoring my personal troll, deleting all (almost) of his comments as they have come in.  But that didn't stop The Troll from nearly soiling himself trying to get a comment through.  Since initiating his ban I have deleted no less than 40 of his comments (though it may actually be as many as 50).

It really was quite amusing for several days - he continued commenting not just on the Jahi McMath posts but on multiple other posts as well, each comment less coherent than the last.  Perhaps his addled little mind allowed him to think I'd let a bit of his idiocy slide through, but he just couldn't seem to crack the code (though I did let a couple through just so I and others could debunk them).  I kept imagining his spittle-flecked lips screaming at the screen as he tried to squeeze another ridiculous screed through my bulwark.  So in lieu of actually allowing his nonsensical comments, I took a few screenshots of his insane ramblings to share with the group.  They may be a bit difficult to read, so I apologise in advance.

We start with "an actual real example" of his which is, of course, complete and utter cow manure.  Somehow The Troll, who still claimed to be a surgeon and lawyer, believes that a patient who presents to the emergency department would be seen by two surgeons (no he wouldn't), one of whom is a trauma surgeon (no he wouldn't) because there could be a rupture of the diaphragm (that wouldn't cause sepsis), the trauma surgeon would then assist the general surgeon (that would never happen because a trauma surgeon would never be called for this), and that this is "standard of care" in the US (that isn't standard of care anywhere).  This was on my "Crazy" post, which ironically describes his comment perfectly.  Wow, starting off with a bang!   Next!

He's trying to scare me by claiming to have reported me both to the AMA and JCAHO (in addition to several other physician groups).  This is rather cute, but let's stop and think for a moment.  I don't suspect anyone at the AMA would be interested in the musings of an anonymous blogger who calls himself "DocBastard".  And why does he suppose JCAHO, an organisation that accredits hospitals and health care organisations in the US and has nothing to do whatsoever with how any individual physician acts, would have any interest whatsoever in a lone doctor's blog?  This is so ridiculous I actually laughed out loud.  In case you're wondering (I hope you're sitting down), no professional groups have contacted me.  Please do control your surprise.

Here he doubles down on the "two surgeons in the OR is standard of care" bilge, and he nonsensically misuses "pontificate" and misspells "roughshod" in the same comment.  Somehow he expects me to believe he is a lawyer and a doctor yet has no understanding of grammar or syntax.  Oh, and he and thinks this "incites" me.  Amuses?  Yes.  Incites?  Hardly.  There are also some rather incoherent ramblings that are a bit concerning, but I'm apparently a fraud and a "proven liar" (this is a recurring theme in his comments).  Oh, and I'm an idiot too.

Apparently he believes Ken Brown is a dummy-account that I operate (or vice versa).  I'm sure Ken will be very disappointed to hear that, just as I'm sure that Mrs. (misses?) Bastard will be upset to find out she doesn't exist either.

"Kim" (who he mentioned in at least 2 other deleted comments) apparently is a surgeon to whom he has shown my blog, and she has supposedly laughed at my writing.  And this guy (who is supposedly a surgeon yet clearly knows nothing about medicine) continues trying to claim that CT scans are mandatory before surgery (they most assuredly are not).  And I'm still an idiot. 

"I have no shame in who I am", he posts anonymously.  Irony at its finest.  But I wasn't aware that I was torturing anyone.  Perhaps he should report me to the UN also for crimes against humanity.  He won't back down, he claims.  Yet two days later he did exactly that.

He's claiming that I stole the picture from my post Indefensible from, a medical-picture-sharing site I had never heard of until I read this silliness.  A 0.211 second reverse Google image search proves him wrong, obviously.  {Though this is another laughable bit of wackiness, unfortunately he's right about one thing- someone did create a profile with the username "DocBastard" on that site, even with the same capitalisation I use.  However, that usurper is a medical student (according to his profile).  It's very frustrating, but it's not the first "DocBastard" usurper I've encountered around the 'net.}

Wait wait wait, is he actually claiming to have reported me to the International Olympic Committee?  What the . . . And that was supposed to scare me?  Well regardless, it seems like he's failing at preventing me from posting just like he's failing at convincing anyone of anything.

Really?  We never lounge?  Ever?  So what he's claiming is that we have patients rolling in 24-hours a day and never have time to relax?  How strange then that every hospital has a lounge, and every trauma surgeon has time to take breaks throughout the day (and night), though some call days are busier than others.  Sometimes those breaks are short, but they always exist to some extent.

I think it's clear that though The Troll may be adept at googling, he has no idea how to understand or apply the vast amount of knowledge with which he is then confronted.  Nor does he have any idea how to construct sentences or coherent thoughts and arguments properly.  If he did in fact go to law and/or medical school (HA!) I would strongly suggest that one or both institutions revoke his diplomas immediately.

I wonder if this post will provoke The Troll to start commenting again.  Though I'm glad he's gone (mostly), I almost hope he does start again, only because I get a good chuckle at his expense.  Not to worry, though - the stupid patient stories will resume again immediately.


  1. Not only is Ken Brown you, much to your family's dismay, one or both of you suffer from multiple personality disorder and "NDP". I'm going to guess that John Benton/Troll Leader is referring to Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD.

    The more diagnoses John makes, the more I suspect he's reading from his own medical history. That would be sad, if he wasn't so annoying. It's almost too easy to pillory him.


    1. especially since I (we) are at least one other person Cornboy knows. and consider, we are so good at this that we actually type in THREE different idioms/dialects.

      but doc, more seriously, you made a reading error in your first screen shot. strudel for brains clearly said it was the patient's DIAGRAM that was punctured.

    2. Well, if you did have multiple personality disorder, not only could you use more than one dialect, you are no longer confined to one gender.

      How's that for confusing the L'il Bastards? Not written with any disrespect for DocBastard's farmily whatsoever; nor towards those who are struggling with transgender issues. I should stop typing before my foot goes any further down my throat.

      The misspellings that abound throughout Troll Leader's writings could keep us amused all night.


    3. not at all, I (we) am (are) already having a grand laugh at having MGD (Multiple Gender Disorder)

    4. @ Ken - I saw the "diagram" thing too. Maybe Dr./Counselor Troll got so frustrated that he shoved a pencil through a page of one of his own medical reference books... I guess that would be "perforation of the diagram."

      But...we gotta remember that this was supposed to be "an actual, real example, not one of your PHONES ones."


      (I don't think he's got a trademark or copyright on that word, so I just felt like using it...because I can...)

  2. This is funny. I wouldn't be surprised if he "reports" you to the FBI or CIA. Would you like some popcorn?

    1. Next he'll "report" DocB to MTV, IKEA and U2.

    2. My computer did not enjoy its coffee shower. Let's report Doc to the YYYYYYYYMCA!!!

    3. Let's not forget IBM, NASA, ATT, and AAA.

    4. Rehabber, mine just got a shower as well reading yyyyymca! Lol

  3. hahaha, great blog post. I want to feel sorry for this person, but my gut reaction is to keep swatting him like a fly. keep up the great work doc!


  4. I'm amused at the fact that people judge you when they haven't even properly met you, although I know that that is a fact of life. I admire how you handle trolls, with grace and dignity. Well, more grace and dignity than him, at least. Is it me or are the idiots and ignorant people multiplying? I hope I never have to find out.

  5. I'm a lawyer and he's not. Over the past year he has been just as hilariously wrong/fake about law as he's been about medicine. He googles-copies-pastes to hide his stupidity and his awesome language deficit.

    The guy is a nut.

  6. For months this troll repeatedly admitted, on all kinds of sites, that he was NOT an MD or attorney. The most he called himself was a physician assistant with some atty and lawyer relatives (as if even that is credible).

    Now he's suddenly a doctor and a lawyer?

    Plus he's doing that right when his tiny mind has turned to sludge ... because wow, those screenshots are even crazier than his usual crazy.

  7. Doc B - I recall mention of "Kim" previously, and I believe he said she was nurse who works on ER duty and also in some other surgical nursing capacity. Apparently this makes her the ultimate authority on how *everything* that happens at *every* hospital, *everywhere* in the world is handled.

    1. He also referred to a "Kim" MD at Yale.

    2. Ah! Maybe Kim is an imaginary friend who has LOTS of different credentials too. In Troll World, where he is both a doctor and an attorney, Kim could be both a nurse and a doctor!

    3. Don't forget a helicopter pilot. I'm surprised he doesn't pilot AirForce One, too.

  8. Seriously, I would love to know who he is and what his tie is to all of this. He seems to want us all to believe he is someone very important and yet, as you are aware, he can't even form a proper sentence at times and appears child like.

    Kate Johnson

  9. I guess we're all lucky that the IOC (International Olympics Committee) is probably just a *little* too busy right now, getting ready for next year's games in Rio, to sanction our esteemed host and shut down this blog!

    Then again, maybe he thought it best to report Doc B and this blog as a pre-emptive measure, in case we were thinking of petitioning the Committee to request that troll-debunking be officially declared a sport!

  10. JB is a nut who wants to be dangerous SO badly!!
    I find it even stupider (is that a word) to read him say you aren't a Dr a zillion times then end with "they will take away your license" lol huh???

    1. So true...if Doc B. was a "fake" and didn't have a license anyway, what's to take away?

      And, how is he "reporting" Doc B. to all of these various agencies, if he doesn't know his legal name, or in what jurisdiction he's licensed?

    2. Detals...details...Pesky little details.....

      Kate Johnson

    3. Last year he tried the same thing with me. He claimed he had "reported" me as a fraud to the AMA, my hospital, and my state's licensing board. I responded how neat a trick that really was, since he didn't know my name nor what state I practice in, let alone the specific hospitals where I could be found. Funny, I never did hear anything from any agency, and I'm still practicing at the same hospitals. Guess everybody found his "reports" (informations, memos) unconvincing. This "I've reported you" schtick seems his stock response when he's suffered a narcissistic injury at the hands of real professionals who see through his pretenses.

  11. He also claims to have been a helicopter pilot, IIRC.

  12. I have seen this Troll for the past almost two years with the Jahi case, hes nothing but a copy/paste spaz who talks out his ass most of the time and is banned from almost all websites that you can comment on. Thanks so much Doc for all you do it takes a brave person to deal with a trauma bay keep up the wonderful work and hope ya get some rest from this idiot

  13. Unless his report to the IOC was accompanied by money, hookers, and blow, I don't think they'd pay attention. And that's if the IOC were somehow relevant.

  14. He suffers from incoherent meltdowns in direct proportion to how many times he is banned from commenting. Having been recently scrubbed from even the Keepers FB page he is due for a tonic-clonic type epic meltdown. He's already beset and addled by hallucinations.

  15. Uhm...that wasn't me. I may post dead baby pictures or call people 'dufus' but nope, I never call people a-hole even if they are. I just find that word distasteful. If you still don't believe me just ask the people below. I've never used that word. And yes I come from a family of doctors and lawyers but nope I never claim to be a surgeon and an attorney. I like the Marine story better.

    KitKat, Suse, Kate Johnson, Indy, Mkey, RPC

    1. Then this post doesn't refer to you, does it.

    2. Troll, you have called people far FAR worse than a-hole.

  16. It seems this post has flushed him out, because he has now made 13 comments on this post alone. I'm debating whether I should A) let them through so you folks can see the continued idiocy (one made me laugh out loud again), B) do another Weekly Update when his furor dies down and he stops again, or C) ignore him and hope he goes away for good.

    1. I vote for posting it so we can all point and laugh some more.

      It's mean, but I gotta be me! Particularly on a Monday morning. I wish to point out that this month we have 5 Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. That doesn't happen again for another 834years (more or less).

    2. You should definitely do another follow up in a week

    3. I vote ignore and ban. he's funny, but not THAT funny.

    4. This may be a double-post, my internet connection was being weird.

      I vote to follow your muse. If he sends one that is just so awful it's good, post it. Otherwise, the Weekly Update is still something to anticipate with glee. Maybe relish too, after all, it will be a roast.

      Kind of like the competition for the Best of the Worst opening sentences.

      "It was the best of wurst, it was the worst of wurst."

    5. I have to say, I think he likes the attention of a post all about him. Funny as this is, I would suggest ignoring him, if only to cut down on the number of comments you need to edit - you need to be spending your time writing amusing medical stories - Ehm - Sorry - saving lives!

    6. Oh dear. I'm not sure if this will change anyone's mind, but The Troll is now claiming to take pictures of all his comments (including the date and time stamp) in an attempt to prove me wrong. He also claims he didn't try to post any comments after July 8th, while the screenshots above clearly show several on July 10th. But he's claiming I photoshopped them. Why he thinks I would go through the trouble to make that tiny change, I have no idea. He's making a big enough fool of himself without my assistance.

      There's much more too . . . oh, it's just too funny not to post it.

    7. Please ignore and ban him.

    8. and claiming that him not producing a picture is proof he never posted it?

  17. To be honest Doc it's your blog...we have all seen JB's intelligence though some posts are worth putting up just to laugh at that horrible all on your call Doc.

  18. Definitely a catch-22. It's usually best to ignore trolls but then we miss out on the fun of poking holes in his crazy theories and watching you hand him his ass on a platter.

    I suspect this particular troll will disappear as soon as the McMath case is settled, although he also seems to have become fixated on proving you aren't a doctor. It would be fun to at least see his most idiotic posts, not to mention it would probably frustrate the hell out of him to be strategically censored.

  19. I already said it wasn't me but I could understand why Anon would feel that way about you because it seems like anyone who disagrees with you or anyone of your followers is automatically JB. But take note. Anon doesn't go into technical detail about Jahi like I do. And if you ask those people I listed earlier, they'll tell you that I've never the word a-hole.

    Now Facebook said they received a 'cease and desist' letter about my postings on Jahi (gee I wonder why). This happened when I posted the timeline which shows Fisher's brain death examination on Jahi. I also found out that Fisher's brain death examination notes contained a vital piece of information showing that the guidelines used by Fisher was the one used for adults and not the brain death examination guidelines used in infants and children. Go ahead and censor me now.

    1. No John, you just have a very particular writing style that is very easily discernible. The "technical detail" that you go into is cut-and-pasted.

      If you're going to try and post comments here, at least have the decency to do it under your "real" name rather than as anon. You are fooling exactly no one.

      And maybe you should look up the definition of "censor". You know what, never mind, I'll do it for you: "censor (verb): to examine books, movies, letters, etc., in order to remove things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc."

      So yes, I'm censoring you because I consider your continued stupidity regarding the brain death exam (which has been refuted at least a dozen times) to be offensive and harmful to society.

    2. John, what are the differences in the tests that you object to?

      Kate Johnson

    3. Doc, this person doesn't merit any more attention ... from anyone. He has been banned all over and has no audience of his own, so he'd love to "use" your popular blog to get ongoing coverage. imo, he should just be allowed to rot.

    4. This blog is DocBastard's. We are guests. When you are a guest you don't open the cupboards, rifle the pantry, make a sandwich, eat it and then take a dump on someone's living room floor and expect to be treated as anything but vermin.

    5. "We are guests" post was the best comment ever. I literally laughed out loud.

    6. U I read that part in the melody of be our guests from beauty and the beast

    7. U I read that part in the melody of be our guests from beauty and the beast

  20. On one of your posts (I believe it was "Easy Call Day") you told Idiot that you didn't practice in the US. What could reporting you to the AMA and JCAHO possibly do if you don't practice in the same country those organizations are for?


    1. I very much doubt that the Doc' will give away any real information on where he lives and practices. Long before any of these issues people have been pointlessly attempting to guess that.

      Look closely enough you'll find plenty of conflicting "clues" as to where the Doc' comes from and practices. They're nearly all deliberate and contradictory. It's a good plan because if he ever does make a slip and leave a real clue, nobody will know that it's not another fake "clue".

      For once JB may be right - DocB' is as likely to practice in the US as anywhere in the world. But the world's a big place and so overall it's not very likely.

    2. I'm not trying to guess where Doc lives. It's not my (or anyone else's) business and I completely respect his privacy. I know he uses fake clues in his posts. It just doesn't make sense for him to do that when arguing with the troll. Saying he doesn't practice in the US wouldn't be enough information for someone to figure out where he is since English is spoken all over the world. The comment just seemed pretty sincere to me, but I could definitely be wrong. I'm sorry if my comment was stupid and added unnecessary clutter to the comment section.


    3. Well, his FML profile says he lives in Indonesia...

    4. It's also said Moscow, Tahiti, Ecuador, and several other locations around the world.

    5. I've solved it! Doc is a travelling global surgeon!

    6. Have Scalpel, will Travel.

    7. Sorry, but any further speculation about my whereabouts will be deleted. I'm not interested in anyone's guess and would simply appreciate if everyone would respect my privacy.

      As I've said before, that may sound rude and I of course don't mean it to be.

    8. I've never understood the "where is Doc?" guessing game anf have wished that people would lay off. It's rude and childish.

  21. Aww... Ken. I think someone has a little crush on you.

  22. After giving it much thought, I've decided not to give The Troll any more air time.

    1. Thank you, Doc.

    2. Smart move... thanks doc, one less headache though you have to do the filtering of the replies though :(

    3. Be prepared for an extinction burst. Remember, it only takes ONE desired reaction to start the cycle all over again.

      So what is likely to happen is that you will receive a veritable deluge of posts by Troll Leader/John Benton and they will become increasingly bizarre, abusive and even menacing; then they will taper off and fade away to nothing. Do not give in and let one through or he'll resume the barrage of madness.

      I don't know if it wouldn't be worth the disk or cloud space to screen shot them though. If he ever does reveal his true identity, or if he does act upon any threats to you or anyone else, it may be valuable information to someone. That may be overkill though as he's been posting all over for the past two years and apparently most readers recognize his brand of crazy by now.


      P.S. Thank you for permitting the link to Dr. Sokoloff's obituary. He was a classy man. He even signed a book for me in which his research was featured just last year. I think he was pleased to be asked to do so even if he wasn't the author.

  23. As someone who works in trauma medicine ( first assist and tech service head while I work through med school, as well as a fomer Navy trauma team enlisted lead in Afghanistan) the comments by your 'troll' are really upsetting. I still cannot understand why some people need to pretend to be something that they (glaringly, fu**ing obviously) are not. If you don't know/do the job, no one needs/wants your opinion on how others do it. Get that straight and get on with your life poser....

  24. Doc, I respect your decision...but will sure miss the "updates." As others have said, though we *know* we shouldn't feed the trolls, this one is so amazing and amusing that it's brought me some good laughs!

  25. When you've seen the full extent of this troll's vile, twisted, escalatingly cracked behavior over 19 months, you can't write him off as merely "amusing." Doc B was smart to end his air time.

  26. Oh well. I'm sure if we want to, we can track the madness across blogspot. It is kinda like tracking a herd of elephants across snow; not very hard.

    1. I can't imagine why anyone would want to. Even staring at a wall would be more appealing.

  27. Very true. Even if the snow melts, and the footprints disappear, the solid waste remains. :)

    1. I hate to say this but sometimes he made some good points.

    2. I've known him since the beginning. He never made a good point.

    3. a broken clock is right twice a day...

  28. As much as you mock your Troll, he/she/? does read as if they have a mental illness. Which means I think you'll be deleting their comments for a long time, and maybe you, could just let it go.

  29. I think the Troll has a hangup on male physicians because his hopes and dreams as an adolescent, was to become a Doctor. Unfortunately for him, he did not have the scholastic skills to be accepted at any medical training facility, thus dashing what he thought to be, was his true calling.

    Same applies for all his other career claims. The only thing The Troll excels in, is repetitive tenacity.

    Doc, I enjoyed your trumping The Troll. Thanks for the laughs.


  30. Oh Doc.. Many thanks for your update, and for the laughs. Mostly for the laughs, though one goes with the other, I suppose. I spent a month in NeuroSurgICU with septic son. Will take us both a while to return to 'normal' if I can remember what that is. So glad to know you are still here, and things are, well, the same. Lol.


If you post spam or advertisements, I will hunt you down and eliminate you.

Comments may be moderated. Trolls will be deleted, and off-topic comments will not be approved.

Web-hosted images may be included thusly: [im]image url here[/im]. Maybe. I'm testing it.

Not dead

I'll start this post by answering a few questions that may or may not be burning in your mind: No, I'm not dead.  No, I didn't g...